
せめてあと少しだけ そばであたためて
全て通り過ぎるまで 何も言わないで

隠された遠い記憶 その瞳の中に全て封じ込めた

愛しさに攫われて 痛みさえ掻き抱く今 何もかも捨て
愛しさに震えて 音のない世界 止めた時間
まだ行かないで そばに…

ふさいだ唇から 伝え合う熱い言葉たち

愛しさに攫われて 痛みさえ掻き抱く今 何もかも捨て
愛しさに震えて 終わらせない夢 止めた時間
あと少しだけ そばに…



Everything now ruthlessly torn apart
All the things once I had are gone
Can’t you hear, the dark blades of the night
Craving for that wound you’ll bleed

Lose of all tears
My sight blinded of faith
Lost voices call in pain
Nothing answers

Still I remember still I see
Awoken in the scorched out land of grief
And yet something grows within

Stretch out, ignite the light
Can I still believe?
The Amber Sunset, the brown soil lullabies
Green leaves on your skin

Still I see
White morning lights
The something of noon breeze
Silence of the stars filled the nights
Now shattered to pieces
Still I remember still I see
Breathing the sound of life
Reviving the truth someday
Even through blinded eyes
Still I remember still I see
Spawning the world with light
Hear the sound come to life
Even through blinded eyes
Still I see
    咎狗之血 遊戲 主題曲

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